It seems as if I've been living in the month of August for 31 years & not days; it went by sooooooooo flippin' slow! UGHH, it's just been terrible. Well, it hasn't been that bad. School is school. I've made some new great friends: Lexeh & Mary Anne. They say I act too white to be black, & I don't know how to respond to that.... Like am I supposed to be offended, am I supposed to say Thank You? Like is it a bad or good thing? I'm terribly confused. EHWELL.
So, I just lied to Anthony about dropping my phone, because I just simply felt like hanging up on him.
& I just went on like a webcam picture frenzyyyy.
I had to burppppp. (I really burp'd)
This was a Toot Toot & a burpp, I'm suchhaaa friggin lady. :)
My mom just walked in my room, saying: "Geeez, you take real provocative pictures!"Even if you don't like me, I bet you fall in love with my ride. ;)
WHO TOLD HER TO SPY ON ME?!?! It's not like I was gonna put it on the webbbbbb.
But since she was spying on me; here it goess.
Sexxxxay. xD
quadroooople c[x
Ahaahahah, "Quadrooooople X" :)
I guess I just feel beautiful today;
- I walked the halls like, [heels clicking sound] FIERCENESS!
- I smiled ALL DAY. Like ALL DAY! :)
- I've took like a miiiiiilllliiiionnnnnnn pictures on Cherry & Cammy.
- & Idk, I've just been so chipppper today.
"I Think I Love Huhhh!" LMAO, terrrrrible.
Had me dyinnnnnnnggggg laughing. OMGahdddddd, just terrible. Thenn, my favorite show came on. NOW THAT, is just a shame, just like shake your head into a coma type terrible. Loll, seriously.
But uhhh, I've recently become OBSESSED with Trey Songz & everything about him.‹3
I was just looking through my 'Older Posts' & I had said Trey Songz was mine... So technically, he's been mines, since like 3 weeks ago. :)
Low-key, I think I'm actually starting to like....Alabama.
It's mos.def growing on me & I can't help it.
I just realized, I've finally found my dreams, & it just feels soooo great you have no clue. I was just so lost & confused on my life, I found one, I FOUND ONE. & it like brings me to tears; I've found one of my dreams. :)
I'm proud, so proud.
So, I took this picture like.....I think Friday & I just look so flippinnn' silicone. It's terriblee.
Well, I think I look silicone.
Idk, maybe it's just me.
But, hmmmm; don't you hate when people try to criticize you for the way YOU live YOUR life?
i must leave on that note,
-Shanny's Out.
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