Thursday, August 6

It's Almost Over.

I Wanna Be Where You Are, Oh. Anywhere You Are Oh-Ooh. ‹3

So, I'm planing on knocking out three blogs tonight, well this morning. I already have one done, and this would be the second. & My classic hip-hop gonna help me finish. :)

Lately, I've been having MAJOR sleeping problems. I have no clue what's the deal. I know it's not healthy, but I'm not gonna tell my Madre because all she's gonna do is blame it on the internet & the fact that I spend way too much time on it, which is indeed a true fact.
But, whatever, I have a doctors appointment tomorrow & I'll tell him about it and he'll just do something medical to help me before Monday.

Oh yeah, BTW; I start school on Monday. Like most kids are bummed that like school is starting & like I probably would be too if my summer hadn't been so suckass. But I'm pret-tay geeked about going back learning new thing, making new friends, just high school, making the moments that I will cherish someday. I think the only thing that's worth nagging about school this year is UNIFORMS, it's a dragggg. But I'm kinda okay with it now. Just a little, the thought still aggravates me, but since there's nothing I can do about it, I'm content.

But I have more plans for my blog and like two semi-big plans for my life. I have my missions ready to be knocked off the list. I'm just gonna need a lil self-motivation and support.

My Missions:
  • Mission: Mulahh'- Semi- M.I.A, one application and interview down. I have another place I can put an app. in at I haven't done it yet tho. But I really pray and hope Cold Stone call me for that job. :)
  • Mission: Swaggg- It's not what it sounds like. But here's what it means; I feel I need a lil bit more personality to make me..ME. Like make me different from most of the people I hang out with. I want to be known as Shanece, that different girl. Not different in like a weird way, different as in like when people see me they say "Yeeeeeah, thass Shanece, she's.....Shanece". Like I want them speechless at the pronunciation of my name. & this mission isn't yet in action, but it's soon to be.
  • Mission: Scrapbookinggg- Ughh, this has been on my mission list since the summer after 5th grade! Shame, huh? But it was inspired by my old best friend Lindsey's mom Kathy. She scrapbook'd her ASS off! & it always turned out SO freaking beautiful. Like astonishing beautiful, like you wouldn't think anybody could be that creative. & like that's another reason why I want to do the whole scrapbooking gig, I want to bring out my creative side. Finding my creative side will ALSO help with my "Mission: Swagg". This mission would be in action if my Madre supported this whole creativity science of the world, but she doesn't, therefore she doesn't buy the supplies & I don't get the chance to scrapbook (that's where Mission: Mulah' kicks in too). So hopefully it all works out. :)
  • Mission: Maturity- I kinda need to grow up, just a little bit tho. I appreciate my childishness. :)
  • MISSION: '10- This mission, is kindaa friggin important. It's a mission my bestfriend Jazzmyn(you should kinda get used to seeing her name, she plays an important roll in this film) and I have come up with. The mission is to go to Californiaaaaaaaaaaaaa‹3. The plan is to go to California during the Summer of 2010('10), we'll both be sixteen, and we're just planning on making the best outta Summer 2010 :). Meanwhile, we're each supposed to be saving money; $, how did you think we were supposed to get from Michigan to Cali?! So we save 2$ every 10$ we recieve & 5$ every 20$ recieved. So yeahh, we're kinda gonna try our hardest to get it right, & not add this to the long list of DUMMY MISSIONS we have. Smmfh, shame. Lol.
& That Concludes My Missions. C:

I thank you dearly, check in later.
One more blog for the night & I'm done.

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