Saturday, August 22

When's the Last Time YOU Pee'd In the Bed.

Lmao @the title. But uhh, today was cooool. I thought I was gonna die of straight up depression, but I went to the mall with thy madre- pronounce it med-dreh. :) She/I got a purse to go with these marvelous heels we have, lol. But we didn't get anything, I gotta wait for something.. Idk, I wasn't listening to her.
But I put in an appliction, I'm trying to not give up & make Mission: Mulahh' a dummy mission; but it's not looking like a sunny forecast. I'm not even motivated anymore, yes I'm a little discouraged.
I'll keep praying tho, that ALWAYS helps.
But I started my second blog yesterday, but I'm not sure if I want to continue it on.
I'm still fighting with my self about the other one I wanna start.
Semi-tired so....
Shanny's Out,foo.

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