Tuesday, October 6

We've Only Just Begunn...<3

Mannnnnnnn, I sweearrrr I CANNOT wait for flippin Fall Break, mann. Omg, mi madre just brought me some Chick-fil-A, BOY! This shit is about to be demolisheddddddd. :] [does bankhead bounce...] <---ignore thatt.
I have 3 exams tomorrow & to tell the truth I really don't give a fuck about any of 'em. I have homework I've been avoiding to do, but I don't feel like going to get my bookbag from downstairs. Ugh, my mom had to take m car back because some lad bumped into the back of it & fucked it up. Suchaaa bummer, hmm? So thi guy I'm talking to, I kinda like him.. but from references... I've heard that he's really sweet when he's talking to a girl but once he starts dating them....WOMP, WOMP. Soooo, I dunno bout dhiszzz guy. [ignore that dhiszz] But, I gehtttaaa go!

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